Stewart Lake is 1.52km2 in size and is located in the Township of Georgian Bay and Township of Muskoka Lakes. The lake experienced blue-green algae blooms in 2010 and 2011. This led to the lake being classified as vulnerable in Schedule E2 of the Muskoka Official Plan (More info at Stewart Lake Causation Study
Average traveling time from the GTA to Stewart Lake - (Muskoka Lakes) is 1 hour 57 mins
This Lake Median Lake Average Lake | |
Stewart Lake is 150 hectares (371 Acres) in size The median size lake in our area is 71 hectares or 175 Acres (average size 398 hectares) | 150 71 398 |
Stewart Lake has a maximum depth 20 meters (66 ft)
The median depth of lakes in our area is 13.5 m or 44 ft (average depth 18 m) | 20 13.5 18 |
The median depth of Stewart Lake is 7.10 m (23 ft) | 7.10 5.2 7 |
Stewart Lake Perimeter 10.10 km (6.28 Miles)
The median perimiter of lakes in our area is 3.3 km or 2.05 miles (average Perimiter 3.61 km) | 10.10 3.3 4 |
Stewart Lake Island/s Perimeter 0.50 km (0.31 Miles) | |
Stewart Lake Altitude 234 m (768 ft)
The median altitude of lakes in our area is 290 m or 951 ft (average Altitude is 289 m) | 234 290 289 |
Water Clarity of Stewart Lake (median 3.2 m) 3.25 m (11ft)
The median Secchi Depth of lakes in our area is 3.2 m or 10 ft (average Secchi Depth is 3 m) | 3.25 3.2 3 |
14 % of Stewart Lake shorline is wetland. The median percentage of shoreline which is wetland of lakes in our area is 9 % (average Percentage of shoreline which is wetland 10) % |
Percentage of Shoreline which is wetland 14 9 10 |
Stewart Lake's phosphorus content in water is 1.10 ug/L
The median Phosphorus content in the water of lakes in our area is 8 ug/l (average Phosphorus content 9 ug/L | 1.10 8 9 |
Stewart Lake's watershed area feeding the Lake (excluding lake) 9.2 km2 (2273 acres) | |
Lake Trout found in Stewart Lake: No | |
Drainage Basin of Stewart Lake Muskoka River | |
Stewart Lake's percentage of shoreline which is Crown Land 10 % | |
Stewart Lake is in the Township of Medora | |
Shoreline Development on Stewart Lake is: intense; urban, shoreline residential | |
Public Access to Stewart Lake public; boat launch and public park in MacTier | |
Water Level Management regulated; MNR owned dam at outlet. Dam is not operated | |
Major Fish Species in Stewart Lake Smallmouth Bass, Largemouth Bass (I 2011), Northern Pike (I 1985), Black Crappie (I 2012) Splake (S) | |
Other Fish Species in Stewart Lake Rainbow Smelt (I), White Sucker, Golden Shiner, Pumpkinseed Rock Bass (I 2012), Brown Bullhead (I 2016), Walleye (I 2016), | |
Notes: E: extirpated, I: introduced – intentional or accidental, O: occasional, R: remnant, S: currently stocked, ?: status uncertain, 2009: year of first record or introduction if known, blank: presumed native | |
Much of the above data for Stewart Lake is compliments of the Muskoka Water Web maintained by The District Municipality of Muskoka |
This map is courtesy of Gps Nautical Maps and you can purchase this map as an app from
All measurements of the countour map showing the depths of Stewart Lake are in feet.
281 Stewart Lake Road, MacTier, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2024-05-09, mls# 40586552
24 Hawkins Point Road, MacTier, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2024-03-14, mls# 40554262
1025 Kilty Bay Road, Muskoka Lakes, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2024-03-06, mls# 40548801
61 STEWART Street, MacTier, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2023-10-31, mls# 40462676
401 KILTY BAY Road, MacTier, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2023-09-29, mls# 40457841
61 STEWART Street, MacTier, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2023-08-03, mls# 40407340
1025 KILTY BAY Road, MacTier, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2023-05-01, mls# 40334781
168 STEWART LAKE Road, MacTier, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2023-04-07, mls# 40385503
285 STEWART LAKE Road, MacTier, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2022-07-01, mls# 40271842
146 STEWART LAKE Road, MacTier, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2022-07-01, mls# 40268698
285 STEWART LAKE Road, MacTier, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2022-07-01, mls# 40259606
1117 BUCKEYE Road Unit# C, MacTier, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2022-07-01, mls# 40262001
401 Kilty Bay Road, MacTier, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2022-03-10, mls# 40214812
308 Stewart Lake Road, MacTier, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2021-09-22, mls# 40162797
374 Stewart Lake Road, MacTier, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2021-05-29, mls# 40112798
281 Stewart Lake Road, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2021-03-25, mls# 40080633
199 Kilty Bay Road, MacTier, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2020-10-10, mls# 40028806