Six Mile Lake is located in the Township of Georgian Bay to the east of Hwy 400. Access to Six Mile Lake can be gained via Hwy 400 to Muskoka Roads 34 to the south & 33 to the north. Six Mile Lake Provincial Park is located on the lake's southwestern shore.
Average traveling time from the GTA to Six Mile Lake - (Georgian Bay) is 1 hour 38 mins
This Lake Median Lake Average Lake | |
Six Mile Lake is 1475 hectares (3645 Acres) in size The median size lake in our area is 71 hectares or 175 Acres (average size 398 hectares) | 1475 71 398 |
Six Mile Lake has a maximum depth 49 meters (161 ft)
The median depth of lakes in our area is 13.5 m or 44 ft (average depth 18 m) | 49 13.5 18 |
The median depth of Six Mile Lake is 7.80 m (26 ft) | 7.80 5.2 7 |
Six Mile Lake Perimeter 84.80 km (52.69 Miles)
The median perimiter of lakes in our area is 3.3 km or 2.05 miles (average Perimiter 3.61 km) | 84.80 3.3 4 |
Six Mile Lake Altitude 187 m (614 ft)
The median altitude of lakes in our area is 290 m or 951 ft (average Altitude is 289 m) | 187 290 289 |
Water Clarity of Six Mile Lake (median 3.2 m) 4.60 m (15ft)
The median Secchi Depth of lakes in our area is 3.2 m or 10 ft (average Secchi Depth is 3 m) | 4.60 3.2 3 |
14 % of Six Mile Lake shorline is wetland. The median percentage of shoreline which is wetland of lakes in our area is 9 % (average Percentage of shoreline which is wetland 10) % |
Percentage of Shoreline which is wetland 14 9 10 |
Six Mile Lake's phosphorus content in water is 7.90 ug/L
The median Phosphorus content in the water of lakes in our area is 8 ug/l (average Phosphorus content 9 ug/L | 7.90 8 9 |
Six Mile Lake's watershed area feeding the Lake (excluding lake) 31.9 km2 (7883 acres) | |
Lake Trout found in Six Mile Lake: No | |
Drainage Basin of Six Mile Lake Severn River | |
Six Mile Lake's percentage of shoreline which is Crown Land 20 % | |
Six Mile Lake is in the Township of Baxter | |
Shoreline Development on Six Mile Lake is: intense; commercial, shoreline residential, recreation camp | |
Public Access to Six Mile Lake public; several private and public access points available | |
Water Level Management Regulated; 4 outlet dams, 2 inlet dams Dams are owned and operated by Parks Canada, as part of the Trent-Severn Waterway | |
Major Fish Species in Six Mile Lake , , , , , muskellunge,lake whitefish, | |
Other Fish Species in Six Mile Lake bowfin, longnose gar, mottled sculpin, Iowa darter, banded killifish, channel catfish,fathead minnow, , golden shiner, brassy minnow, ninespine stickleback, , shorthead redhorse, , cisco, , blackchin shiner, spottail shiner, johnny darter, log perch, longnose dace, , bluntnose minnow, mimic shiner,, grass pickerel, longear sunfish, blacknose shiner, common shiner, | |
Other Species in Six Mile Lake zebra mussels, Eurasian Milfoil | |
Number of Cottages on Lake 780 | |
Notes: E: extirpated, I: introduced – intentional or accidental, O: occasional, R: remnant, S: currently stocked, ?: status uncertain, 2009: year of first record or introduction if known, blank: presumed native | |
Much of the above data for Six Mile Lake is compliments of the Muskoka Water Web maintained by The District Municipality of Muskoka |
Sorry no cottages for sale at the moment on Six Mile Lake (Georgian Bay)