Average traveling time from the GTA to Coldwater Lake - (Georgian Bay) is 1 hour 39 mins
This Lake Median Lake Average Lake | |
Coldwater Lake is 44 hectares (109 Acres) in size The median size lake in our area is 71 hectares or 175 Acres (average size 398 hectares) | 44 71 398 |
Coldwater Lake Altitude 195 m (640 ft)
The median altitude of lakes in our area is 290 m or 951 ft (average Altitude is 289 m) | 195 290 289 |
Drainage Basin of Coldwater Lake Gibson River | |
Coldwater Lake's percentage of shoreline which is Crown Land 95 % | |
Coldwater Lake is in the Township of Gibson | |
Shoreline Development on Coldwater Lake is: Low; Shoreline residential | |
Public Access to Coldwater Lake Public; District Road 32 | |
Water Level Management Not regulated | |
Other Fish Species in Coldwater Lake Pumpkinseed, Yellow Perch | |
Much of the above data for Coldwater Lake is compliments of the Muskoka Water Web maintained by The District Municipality of Muskoka |
Sorry no cottages for sale at the moment on Coldwater Lake (Georgian Bay)