This Lake Median Lake Average Lake | |
Maple Lake is 202 hectares (499 Acres) in size The median size lake in our area is 71 hectares or 175 Acres (average size 398 hectares) | 202 71 398 |
Maple Lake has a maximum depth 15 meters (49 ft)
The median depth of lakes in our area is 13.5 m or 44 ft (average depth 18 m) | 15 13.5 18 |
The median depth of Maple Lake is 6.20 m (20 ft) | 6.20 5.2 7 |
Maple Lake Perimeter 10.70 km (6.65 Miles)
The median perimiter of lakes in our area is 3.3 km or 2.05 miles (average Perimiter 3.61 km) | 10.70 3.3 4 |
Maple Lake Island/s Perimeter 0.70 km (0.43 Miles) | |
Maple Lake Altitude 220 m (722 ft)
The median altitude of lakes in our area is 290 m or 951 ft (average Altitude is 289 m) | 220 290 289 |
Water Clarity of Maple Lake (median 3.2 m) 3.30 m (11ft)
The median Secchi Depth of lakes in our area is 3.2 m or 10 ft (average Secchi Depth is 3 m) | 3.30 3.2 3 |
Maple Lake's watershed area feeding the Lake (excluding lake) 148.0 km2 (36572 acres) | |
Drainage Basin of Maple Lake Little Seguin River | |
Maple Lake is in the Township of Christie | |
Shoreline Development on Maple Lake is: High; Shoreline residential | |
Public Access to Maple Lake Public; Boat Launch, Tally Ho Swords Road | |
Water Level Management Not regulated | |
Major Fish Species in Maple Lake Smallmouth Bass (I), Northern Pike (I 1992), Walleye? (I), Lake Whitefish | |
Other Fish Species in Maple Lake Rainbow Smelt (I 1969), White Sucker, Cisco | |
Other Species in Maple Lake Spiny Water Flea (2000), Freshwater Jellyfish (Reported) | |
Notes: E: extirpated, I: introduced – intentional or accidental, O: occasional, R: remnant, S: currently stocked, ?: status uncertain, 2009: year of first record or introduction if known, blank: presumed native | |
Much of the above data for Maple Lake is compliments of the Muskoka Water Web maintained by The District Municipality of Muskoka |