
Go Home Lake - (Georgian Bay)

Go Home Lake is located west of Hwy 69 in the Township of Georgian Bay and can be accessed from the western end of District Rd 32. The Go Home Lake watershed is fed by the Musquash and Gibson Rivers flowing into Georgian Bay via the Go Home River and Go Home Bay.

Average traveling time from the GTA to Go Home Lake - (Georgian Bay) is 1 hour 46 mins

This Lake
Median Lake
Average Lake
Go Home Lake is 670 hectares (1656 Acres) in size
The median size lake in our area is 71 hectares or 175 Acres (average size 398 hectares)
Go Home Lake has a maximum depth 32 meters (105 ft)
The median depth of lakes in our area is 13.5 m or 44 ft (average depth 18 m)
The median depth of Go Home Lake is 8.60 m (28 ft)
Go Home Lake Perimeter 105.00 km (65.24 Miles)
The median perimiter of lakes in our area is 3.3 km or 2.05 miles (average Perimiter 3.61 km)
Go Home Lake Island/s Perimeter 8.80 km (5.47 Miles)
Go Home Lake Altitude 186 m (610 ft)
The median altitude of lakes in our area is 290 m or 951 ft (average Altitude is 289 m)
Water Clarity of Go Home Lake (median 3.2 m) 3.50 m (11ft)
The median Secchi Depth of lakes in our area is 3.2 m or 10 ft (average Secchi Depth is 3 m)
10 % of Go Home Lake shorline is wetland. The median percentage of shoreline which is wetland of lakes in our area is 9 % (average Percentage of shoreline which is wetland 10) %
Percentage of Shoreline which is wetland 10
Go Home Lake's phosphorus content in water is 6.60 ug/L
The median Phosphorus content in the water of lakes in our area is 8 ug/l (average Phosphorus content 9 ug/L
Go Home Lake's watershed area feeding the Lake (excluding lake) 22.9 km2 (5659 acres)
Lake Trout found in Go Home Lake: No
Drainage Basin of Go Home Lake Moon River
Go Home Lake is in the Township of Georgian Bay
Shoreline Development on Go Home Lake is: High; Shoreline Residential, Commercial
Public Access to Go Home Lake Public; Road access only; off Cowies Road
Water Level Management Regulated; water level is controlled by MNR-owned and operated dam.Flows and levels are governed by the Muskoka River Water Management Plan.
Major Fish Species in Go Home Lake Northern Pike, Muskellunge, Largemouth Bass, Walleye, Smallmouth Bass, Lake Whitefish
Other Fish Species in Go Home Lake Emerald Shiner, Rainbow Smelt (I), Johnny Darter, Cisco, Channel Catfish, Burbot, Brown Bullhead, Rock Bass, Mimic Shiner, Golden Shiner, White Sucker, Yellow Perch, Spottail Shiner, Logperch, Iowa Darter, Bluntnose Minnow, Pumpkinseed
Other Species in Go Home Lake Spiny Water Flea (1991), Zebra Mussel (1998)

MNR Fact Sheet for Go Home Lake - (Georgian Bay)

MNR Data Sheet for Go Home Lake - (Georgian Bay)

Shoreline Land Use Map for Go Home Lake - (Georgian Bay)

Notes: E: extirpated, I: introduced – intentional or accidental, O: occasional, R: remnant, S: currently stocked, ?: status uncertain, 2009: year of first record or introduction if known, blank: presumed native
Much of the above data for Go Home Lake is compliments of the Muskoka Water Web maintained by The District Municipality of Muskoka

Maps of Go Home Lake

Topographical Map of Go Home Lake in Georgian Bay

Topographical Map of Go Home Lake in Municipality of Georgian Bay and the District of Muskoka


Building as Symbol on Topo map of Go Home LakeBuildings surrounding Go Home Lake
Building to Scale on Topo map of Go Home LakeBuildings surrounding Go Home Lake
Conservation Area on Topo map of Go Home LakeConservation Area surrounding Go Home Lake
Contour on Topo map of Go Home LakeContours of land surrounding Go Home Lake
Index_Contour on Topo map of Go Home LakeIndex Contour
Rapids on Topo map of Go Home LakeRapids
Spot Height on Topo map of Go Home LakeSpot Height
Water Falls on Topo map of Go Home LakeWater Falls
Water_Falls or Rapids on Topo map of Go Home LakeWater Falls/Rapids
Waterbody Elevation on Topo map of Go Home LakeWaterbody Elevation
Watercourse on Topo map of Go Home LakeWatercourse
Wetland on Topo map of Go Home LakeWetland surrounding Go Home Lake
Wooded Area on Topo map of Go Home LakeWooded Area surrounding Go Home Lake

Zoning Map of Go Home Lake in Georgian Bay

Zoning Map of Go Home Lake in Municipality of Georgian Bay and the District of Muskoka

Crown Land Map of Go Home Lake in Georgian Bay

Crown Land Map of Go Home Lake in Municipality of Georgian Bay and the District of Muskoka

Legend for Crown Land Map

     Private Land surrounding Go Home Lake - (Georgian Bay)
     Provincial Park surrounding Go Home Lake - (Georgian Bay)
     Crown Land surrounding Go Home Lake - (Georgian Bay) (General Use)
     Conservation Reserve surrounding Go Home Lake - (Georgian Bay)

Lake Contour Maps showing the depths of Go Home Lake

Contour Map of Go Home Lake in Municipality of Georgian Bay and the District of Muskoka
Contour Map of Go Home Lake in Municipality of Georgian Bay and the District of Muskoka

This map is courtesy of Gps Nautical Maps and you can purchase this map as an app from
All measurements of the countour map showing the depths of Go Home Lake are in feet.

Cottages for Sale on Go Home Lake

Cottages for Sale close to Go Home Lake

Previously listed Cottages on Go Home Lake

8262 Go Home Lake Shr, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2024-05-21, mls# 40589320

1376 IS 80 GO HOME Lake, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2023-10-31, mls# 40479382

6184 GO HOME LAKE Shore, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2023-10-31, mls# 40443781

390 MUSQUOSH RIVER Shore, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2023-10-26, mls# 40389049

8550 GO HOME LAKE Shore, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2023-08-24, mls# 40468931

4280 GO HOME LAKE Shore, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2023-05-05, mls# 40379711

831 GO HOME LAKE Road, Georgian Bay, L0K1S0 was previously listed 2023-01-06, mls# 40331088

4280 GO HOME LAKE Shore, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2022-12-17, mls# 40270180

7454 GO HOME LAKE Shore, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2022-11-01, mls# 40272677

327 MUSQUOSH RIVER Shore, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2022-10-15, mls# 40303084

5916 GO HOME LAKE Shore, Georgian Bay, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2022-10-14, mls# 40314373

831 GO HOME LAKE Road, Georgian Bay, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2022-10-08, mls# 40330148

6930 GO HOME LAKE Shore, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2022-08-26, mls# 40251736

3144 GO HOME LAKE Shore, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2022-08-13, mls# 40297386

327 MUSQUOSH RIVER Shores, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2022-08-13, mls# 40279737

7514 GO HOME LAKE Shore, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2022-06-01, mls# 40251715

1304 ISLAND 80 GO HOME Lake, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2022-06-01, mls# 40258135

7148 GO HOME LAKE Shore, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2022-06-01, mls# 40234105

11380 Cowies Road, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2021-09-22, mls# 40142007

831 Go Home Lake Road, Bala, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2021-08-27, mls# 40145332

6620 Go Home Lake Shore, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2021-08-19, mls# 40141906

9664 Go Home Lake Shore, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2021-07-14, mls# 40135533

8948 Go Home Lake Shore, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2021-06-25, mls# 40118343

267 Go Home River Shore, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2021-06-24, mls# 40101969

114 Is 80 Go Home Lake, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2021-06-09, mls# 40109319

7346 Go Home Lake Shore, Georgian Bay Twp, L0K1S0 was previously listed 2021-05-20, mls# 40103449

980 Island 80 Go Home Lake, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2021-04-28, mls# 40095323

293 Musquosh River Shore, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2020-11-15, mls# 40025576

5926 Go Home Lake Shore, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2020-10-27, mls# 40007380

85 Lagoon Road, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2020-10-06, mls# 40023763

3278 Go Home Lake Shore, Georgian Bay, P0C1H0 was previously listed 2020-10-01, mls# 280115

7718 Go Home Lake Shr, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C 1H0 was previously listed 2019-08-06, mls# SG1724983

6930 Go Home Lake Shr, Georgian Bay Twp, P0C 1H0 was previously listed 2019-08-06, mls# 138187

656 80 Island, Georgian Bay, P0C 1S0 was previously listed 2019-08-06, mls# 182007