
Boshkung Lake - (Algonquin Highlands)

Boshkung Lake, also known by its historic name Lake Boshkung, or affectionately as 'Big Boshkung', is a lake in the township of Algonquin Highlands, Haliburton County in Central Ontario, Canada. It is located near Buttermilk Falls, has been a common cottage and recreation destination with a rich history that includes logging, children's camps, camping, and even some farming activities.

Average traveling time from the GTA to Boshkung Lake - (Algonquin Highlands) is 2 hours 21 mins

This Lake
Median Lake
Average Lake
Boshkung Lake is 715 hectares (1767 Acres) in size
The median size lake in our area is 71 hectares or 175 Acres (average size 398 hectares)
Boshkung Lake has a maximum depth 71 meters (233 ft)
The median depth of lakes in our area is 13.5 m or 44 ft (average depth 18 m)
Boshkung Lake Altitude 307 m (1007 ft)
The median altitude of lakes in our area is 290 m or 951 ft (average Altitude is 289 m)
Water Clarity of Boshkung Lake (median 3.2 m) 5.00 m (16ft)
The median Secchi Depth of lakes in our area is 3.2 m or 10 ft (average Secchi Depth is 3 m)
Drainage Basin of Boshkung Lake Gull River
Public Access to Boshkung Lake Boshkung Lake is located 2 miles north of Carnarvon on Hwy 35. Boat launching sites are located at all tourist lodges
Major Fish Species in Boshkung Lake Lake trout, , , , , , , lake whitefish, , , , , common shiner, bluntnose minnow and creek chub.
Notes: E: extirpated, I: introduced – intentional or accidental, O: occasional, R: remnant, S: currently stocked, ?: status uncertain, 2009: year of first record or introduction if known, blank: presumed native
Much of the above data for Boshkung Lake is compliments of the Muskoka Water Web maintained by The District Municipality of Muskoka

Maps of Boshkung Lake

Topographical Map of Boshkung Lake in Algonquin Highlands

Topographical Map of Boshkung Lake in Municipality of Algonquin Highlands and the District of Haliburton


Building as Symbol on Topo map of Boshkung LakeBuildings surrounding Boshkung Lake
Building to Scale on Topo map of Boshkung LakeBuildings surrounding Boshkung Lake
Conservation Area on Topo map of Boshkung LakeConservation Area surrounding Boshkung Lake
Contour on Topo map of Boshkung LakeContours of land surrounding Boshkung Lake
Index_Contour on Topo map of Boshkung LakeIndex Contour
Rapids on Topo map of Boshkung LakeRapids
Spot Height on Topo map of Boshkung LakeSpot Height
Water Falls on Topo map of Boshkung LakeWater Falls
Water_Falls or Rapids on Topo map of Boshkung LakeWater Falls/Rapids
Waterbody Elevation on Topo map of Boshkung LakeWaterbody Elevation
Watercourse on Topo map of Boshkung LakeWatercourse
Wetland on Topo map of Boshkung LakeWetland surrounding Boshkung Lake
Wooded Area on Topo map of Boshkung LakeWooded Area surrounding Boshkung Lake

Zoning Map of Boshkung Lake in Algonquin Highlands

Zoning Map of Boshkung Lake in Municipality of Algonquin Highlands and the District of Haliburton

Crown Land Map of Boshkung Lake in Algonquin Highlands

Crown Land Map of Boshkung Lake in Municipality of Algonquin Highlands and the District of Haliburton

Legend for Crown Land Map

     Private Land surrounding Boshkung Lake - (Algonquin Highlands)
     Provincial Park surrounding Boshkung Lake - (Algonquin Highlands)
     Crown Land surrounding Boshkung Lake - (Algonquin Highlands) (General Use)
     Conservation Reserve surrounding Boshkung Lake - (Algonquin Highlands)

Lake Contour Maps showing the depths of Boshkung Lake

Contour Map of Boshkung Lake in Municipality of Algonquin Highlands and the District of Haliburton

This map is courtesy of Gps Nautical Maps and you can purchase this map as an app from
All measurements of the countour map showing the depths of Boshkung Lake are in feet.

Cottages for Sale on Boshkung Lake - (Algonquin Highlands)

Sorry no cottages for sale at the moment on Boshkung Lake

Cottages for Sale close to Boshkung Lake

Previously listed Cottages on Boshkung Lake

0 Hwy 35, Algonquin Highlands, K0M1S0 was previously listed 2024-10-11, mls# X10436241