
Zoning By Laws in the District of Parry Sound

Census Data for The District of Parry Sound

Population: 42,824 (2016) 1.6% increase over 2011 population of 42,162

The total number of dwellings is 35,226 of which 18,679 are full time residents

The land area of Parry Sound is 9,326 sq km's (3,601 sq miles) and has a density of 5 per sqare km

Data is from the 2016 Government Census

McDougall by law: EP Zoning - Environmental Protection Zone

Seguin by law: OS1 Zoning - Open Space 1

Magnetawan by law: EP Zoning - Environmental Protection Zone

Seguin by law: LSR - Limited Service Residential Zone

Seguin by law: RU Zoning - Rural

Dysart et al by law: OS Zoning - Open Space

Mckellar by law: RU Zoning - Rural

Carling by law: WF1 Zoning - Waterfront Residential 1

Seguin by law: SR4 Zoning Shoreline Residential 4

Carling by law: OS Zoning - Open Space

McDougall by law: WF1 Zoning Waterfront Residential 1

McDougall by law: WF3 Zoning Waterfront Residential 3

McDougall by law: OS Zoning - Open Space

Dysart et al by law: WR2 Zoning - Waterfront Residential 2

Magnetawan by law: OS Zoning - Open Space

Magnetawan by law: RR Zoning - Rural Residential

Dysart et al by law: RU 1 Zoning - Rural 1

Carling by law: WF2 Zoning - Waterfront Residential 2

Seguin by law: SR3 Zoning Shoreline Residential 3

Mckellar by law: WF3 Zoning - Waterfront Residential 3

Mckellar by law: RR Zoning - Rural Residential

Dysart et al by law: EP Zoning - Environmental Protection Zone

Mckellar by law: WF1 - Waterfront Residential 1

Parry Sound by law: EP Zoning - Environmental Protection Zone

Seguin by law: RR Zoning– Rural Residential

Kearney by law: RWF Zoning- Residential Waterfront Zoning

Parry Sound by law: RU Zoning - Rural

Mckellar by law: WF2 Zoning - Waterfront Residential 2

Dysart et al by law: RR Zoning - Rural Residential

Carling by law: RU Zoning - Rural

Parry Sound by law: RR Zoning– Rural Residential

Magnetawan by law: RU Zoning - Rural

Parry Sound by law: O1 Zoning - Open Space 1

Seguin by law: SR2 Zoning Shoreline Residential 2

Seguin by law: SR1 Zoning Shoreline Residential 1

Carling by law: WF3 Zoning - Waterfront Residential 3

Dysart et al by law: WR1 Zoning - Waterfront Residential 1

McDougall by law: WF2 Zoning Waterfront Residential 2

Magnetawan by law: RS - Residential Shoreline

Whitestone by law: EP Zoning - Environmental Protection Zone