Population: 60,599 (2016) 4.5% increase over 2011 population of 58,017
The total number of dwellings is 46,207 of which 25,431 are full time residents
The land area of Muskoka is 3,940 sq km's (1,521 sq miles) and has a density of 15 per sqare km
Data is from the 2016 Government Census
Georgian Bay by law: R1 Zoning – Residential 1
Muskoka Lakes by law: OS2 Zoning - Open Space 2
Huntsville by law: NR1 Zoning - Natural Resource Floodway
Bracebridge by law: EPW1 Zoning - Environmentally Protected Wetland
Huntsville by law: RU 1 Zoning - Rural 1
Huntsville by law: C Zoning - Conservation
Muskoka Lakes by law: WR4 Zoning - Waterfront Residential 4
Muskoka Lakes by law: WR1 Zoning - Waterfront Residential 1
Muskoka Lakes by law: RU 2 Zoning - Rural 2
Huntsville by law: O1 Zoning - Open Space 1
Georgian Bay by law: CT1 Zoning - Tourist Commercial 1
Gravenhurst by law: RW Zoning - Residential Waterfront
Gravenhurst by law: RR Zoning - Rural Residential
Gravenhurst by law: EP Zoning - Environmental Protection Zone
Muskoka Lakes by law: OS4 Zoning - Open Space 4
Lake of Bays by law: WR Zoning - Waterfront Residential
Lake of Bays by law: WOS Zoning - Waterfront Open Space
Huntsville by law: SR1 Zoning - Shoreline Residential 1
Muskoka Lakes by law: OS3 Zoning - Open Space 3
Muskoka Lakes by law: WR3 Zoning - Waterfront Residential 3
Bracebridge by law: SR4 Zoning - Shoreline Residential 4
Gravenhurst by law: RI Zoning - Residential Island
Bracebridge by law: RU Zoning - Rural Zone
Huntsville by law: SR2 Zoning – Shoreline Residential 2
Bracebridge by law: EP1 Zoning - Environmental Protection Zone
Muskoka Lakes by law: WOS Zoning - Waterbody Open Space
Muskoka Lakes by law: RUR Zoning - Rural Residential
Bracebridge by law: OS1 Zoning - Open Space 1
Georgian Bay by law: SR4 Zoning - Shoreline Residential 4
Gravenhurst by law: R1 Zoning - Residential 1
Gravenhurst by law: OS Zoning - Open Space
Gravenhurst by law: WL Zoning - Waterfront Landing
Huntsville by law: NR2 Zoning - Natural Resource Floodfringe
Huntsville by law: O2 Zoning - Open Space 2
Lake of Bays by law: RU Zoning - Rural
Lake of Bays by law: RL Zoning - Rural Limited
Bracebridge by law: RR - Rural Residential
Lake of Bays by law: RR Zoning - Rural Residential
Huntsville by law: NR Zoning - Natural Resource
Bracebridge by law: SR5 Zoning - Shoreline Residential 5
Muskoka Lakes by law: EP Zoning - Environmental Protection Zone
Muskoka Lakes by law: OS1 Zoning - Open Space 1
Huntsville by law: RU 2 Zoning - Rural 2
Huntsville by law: SR4 Zoning Shoreline Residential 4
Georgian Bay by law: SR2 Zoning Shoreline Residential 2
Bracebridge by law: R3 Zoning - Residential 3
Bracebridge by law: OS3 Zoning - Open Space 3
Huntsville by law: SR3 Zoning – Shoreline Residential 3
Georgian Bay by law: OS1 Zoning - Open Space
Muskoka Lakes by law: WR2 Zoning - Waterfront Residential 2
Bracebridge by law: SR2 Zoning - Shoreline Residential 2
Georgian Bay by law: SR1 Zoning Shoreline Residential 1
Muskoka Lakes by law: RU 1 Zoning - Rural 1
Lake of Bays by law: CSR Zoning - Community Settlement Residential
Bracebridge by law: R1 Zoning - Residential 1
Bracebridge by law: R2 Zoning - Residential 2
Georgian Bay by law: C1 Zoning - General Commercial
Gravenhurst by law: CR Zoning - Commercial Residential
Lake of Bays by law: OS1 Zoning - Open Space
Georgian Bay by law: SR3 Zoning Shoreline Residential 3
Gravenhurst by law: RU Zoning - Rural
Huntsville by law: RR Zoning - Rural Residential
Bracebridge by law: SR3 Zoning - Shoreline Residential 3
Bracebridge by law: OS2 Zoning - Open Space 2
Bracebridge by law: SR1 Zoning - Shoreline Residential 1
Huntsville by law: R1 - Residential 1
Can I build a boathouse - Seguin
Can I build a second dwelling on my property in Bracebridge?
Are short term rentals permitted on Duck Lake in Seguin?
Can I build a boat house on my property on Wood Lake in Bracebridge?
What is the difference between a Woodland Retreat and Hunt Camp in Bracebridge?