14 230 232 Lake Dalrymple Road, Kawartha Lakes
127 Maskinonge Road, Georgian Lake
1066 Tally Ho Winter Park Road, Lake of Bays
100 Chaffey Township Road, Huntsville
134 Brandon Avenue, Severn (Coldwater)
471 North Shore Rd, Georgian Bay (Baxter)
1019 Anderson Road, Highlands East
40 Simcoe Road N, Ramara (Brechin)
1026 Piper Glen Road, Minden Hills
1007 Dewey Street, Highlands East
4 Turner Drive, Huntsville (Chaffey)
102 Hanes Road, Huntsville (Chaffey)
1361 Con 2 Road N, Ramara
1361 Concession Road 2, Ramara Township
221 Matchedash Street S, Orillia
2964 Monarch Drive, Orillia
0 Mara Road, Brock (Beaverton)
79 Chambery Street, Bracebridge (Macaulay)
33 Nicole Park Court, Bracebridge (Macaulay)
1137 Tumbledown Rock Road, Highlands East
314 Riverside Drive, Pigeon
314 Riverside Drive, Bobcaygeon
0 Haines Lake Road, McDougall
Lt 34 Cockburn Street, Kawartha Lakes (Norland)
381 Black School Road, Kawartha Lakes (Woodville)
93 Bayshore Drive, Brechin
Unit 6 70 Laguna Parkway, Simcoe Lake
1093 Laidlaw Ave Avenue, Severn River
26 Back Bay Road, Galway-Cavendish and Harvey