The unemployment rate in Canada was 6.7 per cent at the end of March 2015, unchanged from the previous month.
The number of full-time jobs was up from the end of the previous month to a new monthly record.
There were 16,300 more full-time jobs in March 2015 compared to a month earlier. A gain of 4,700 part-time positions led to an increase of 21,000 total jobs in March.
An unchanged unemployment rate was the result of an equal proportion of people joining the labour force who were unable to find jobs.
Full-time job gains were based heavily in Ontario, making up for losses in Alberta and Nova Scotia.
Full-time job gains occurred mainly in manufacturing, trade services, prof., sci. & tech. services, business & building services, education, and healthcare.
These gains offset losses occurring mainly in natural resources, transportation & warehousing, information & culture services, and accommodation & food services.
* All figures are seasonally adjusted, 3-month moving averages. Seasonal adjustment removes normal seasonal fluctuations.