
7012 County Road 169, Black Lake

Property Overview - For sale

Price$ 349 000On the Market59 days
MLS® #S8365318Type
Bedrooms BedBathrooms0 Bath
WaterfrontBlack LakePostal CodeL0K2B0
StreetCounty Road 169Town/AreaRamara
Property Size5 Acre|5 - 9.99 acresBuilding Size0 ft2

BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME ON THIS 5+ ACRE PARCEL OF LAND ON THE BLACK RIVER IN WASHAGO! Welcome to 7012 County Road 169. Discover over 5 acres of prime, riverfront property in Washago. This property offers endless possibilities. Thoughtfully levelled areas provide a head start for your dream home or garden. A township-approved driveway permit & legal access eases development concerns. Enjoy tranquil views of the picturesque Black River. Conveniently located near central Washago, all essentials are within reach. Valuable additions include two 8x10 vinyl sheds, a 1.5-storey bunkie, an outhouse, and a solar kiln for comfortable seasonal off-grid living while building your dream house. Escape the urban hustle and embrace nature's serenity. Craft your dream lifestyle along the Black River in Washago. (id:60084)

Land Details

Waterfront TypeWaterfront
WaterfrontBlack Lake
Size Total5 Acre|5 - 9.99 acres
Size Frontage5
Lot size5 Acre
Zoning DescriptionRU
View Property on Interactive MapDriving Directions (Google Maps)

This listing of a Vacant Land property For sale is courtesy of PEGGY HILL from RE/MAX HALLMARK PEGGY HILL GROUP REALTY

Information on Black Lake

Black Lake Size51 Ha126 acres
Black Lake Perimeter4.00 km32 miles
Black Lake Depth3 m167 ft
Black Lake Mean Depth2.00 m7 ft
Altitude of Black Lake244 m801 ft
DistrictBlack Lake is in the District of Muskoka
MunicipalityBlack Lake is in the Municipality of Muskoka Lakes
TownshipBlack Lake is in the Township of Wood
Drainage BasinLake Muskoka
Wetland Area19%
Watershed Area4.2 km3 miles
Water ClarityBlack Lake has a water clarity of 2.00 m7 ft
Phosphorus content in water16.60 ug/L

Census Data of Muskoka Lakes Municipality

2016 Population of Muskoka Lakes: 6,588
2011 Population of Muskoka Lakes : 6,707
Population Growth of Muskoka Lakes : -2 %
Total private dwellings in Muskoka Lakes : 9,343
Dwellings by residents in Muskoka Lakes : 2,914
Density of Muskoka Lakes : 2,914 per sq km
Land Area of Muskoka Lakes: 2,914 sq km
Muskoka Lakes is in the District of Muskoka

Census Data for The District of Muskoka

Population: 60,599 (2016) 4.5% increase over 2011 population of 58,017
The total number of dwellings is 46,207 of which 25,431 are full time residents
The land area of Muskoka is 3,940 sq km's (1,521 sq miles) and has a density of 15 per sqare km

Data is from the 2016 Government Census